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Salt room 

Salt room is relaxation premise in which salt ions are released from a special apparatus. When a person inhales these ions, they purified, moistened and relax the lining of person airways, stabilising nervous system and improves metabolism. The salt room is recommended for asthma prevention, as well as for clients with frequent respiratory diseases such as rhinitis, cough, almond inflammation, ear inflammation, stress and insomnia eradication, treatment of skin diseases.

Description of procedure:

  • during the procedure, client sit in lounge chair for 30 minutes and breathe salt-ionized air. It should be breathe in through the nose and exhaled through the mouth,
  • the duration of the of treatment course is determined individually,
  • before visiting the salt room client must consult to his doctor to find out if the treatment is appropriate for him and to determine the amount of procedures required.

We provide service for children:

  • with a doctor's referral,
  • up to 5 years of age under adult supervision without occupying a separate site.


The salt therapy is not recommended if the client has :

  • increased temperature of body,
  • a fever,
  • exacerbation period of virus infection,
  • oncological and renal diseases,
  • severe forms of hypertension.