The growth of institution directly depends on employees - their individual knowledges, skills, professional experience and motivation, what the employees are ready to invest for achieving the objectives of institution.  

To motivate the specialists who have high professional standards, who are responsible and client-oriented approach towards clients and the society, to continue working at Agency, the Agency will develop a staff training system which will promote employees understanding about ethics, development of employees competences and professional development as well as the development of the competences of heads of departments.

Leaders play an important role in achieving the objectives and tasks of the Agency, so the Agency will promote the development of competences and leadership skills of heads of departments by motivating for trainings and exchange of experience.

In the 21st century the performance of work responsibilities, learning and professional development cannot be conceived without digital technologies, so the Agency will promote the development of the digital skills of employees by including them in the training system for employees.



RESULT: Developed training system for employees for professional and competence skills training
INDICATORS: Propotion of employees engaged in vocational training from the total number of employees
Number of leaders who have improved their competences
RESULT: Improved employees digital skills
INDICATORS: Number of employees who works in digital environment

The Agency will review and improve its operational processes by introducing e-solutions and digitizing internal processes, thereby contributing to the reduction of administrative burden and enabling more time to spend with customers.

The Agency is proud with employees collaboration skills, team work, tolerance for diversity and common values. In order to continue maintain and develop common values, Agency will continue to improve internal communication, not only in order to successfully solve labour issues, but will organise a variety of team-building activities, social responsibility campaigns and other non-formal activities.

A serious challenge for the Agency is to attract new specialists, especially medical practitioners, as well as "keep" them, so the Agency will improve the adaptation system for new employees by the support of the mentor, by developing a system of considered goals, tasks and skills learning during the screening time, while also providing support to the mentor.

RESULT: Reduced administrative burden
INDICATORS: Digitized internal processes
Introduced e-solutions
RESULT: Improved internal communication
INDICATORS: Non-formal measure implemented at least twice a year
RESULT: Established new acclimatisation system for new employees to the workplace (mentor)
INDICATORS: Decreased employee turnover - proportion of total number of employees

Aģentūra uzskata, ka darba rezultātu un pakalpojuma kvalitāti būtiski ietekmē atbalstoša darba vide, droši darba apstākļi, attālinātā darba iespējas, elastīgs darba režīms, kas nodrošinās darbiniekiem  iespēju saskaņot darba, mācību un privāto dzīvi, veicinot darbinieku apmierinātību ar darba vietu. Tāpēc Aģentūra turpinās attīstīt attālinātā mācību procesā un neklātienes pakalpojumu sniegšanas laikā iegūto pieredzi, meklējot tehniskos risinājumus un veicinot darbinieku digitālo prasmju attīstību, lai nodrošinātu elastīga darba režīma iespējas.

Aģentūra atrodas kūrortpilsētā, tās ēkas ir izvietotas skaistā vietā starp Baltijas jūras līci un Lielupi. Tāpēc jo īpaši Aģentūra jūtas atbildīga par savas darbības ietekmi uz vidi un jau veic virkni dažādu pasākumu ietekmes uz vidi mazināšanai, vienlaikus veicinot darbinieku “zaļo domāšanu” un atbalstošas darba vides veidošanu. Arī turpmāk Aģentūra plāno ieviest aizvien jaunus pasākumus, lai veicinātu iestādes darbības ilgtspēju, iesaistīt arī darbiniekus, attīstot  “zaļās domāšanas” veidu.

RESULT: Nodrošināts elastīgs darba laiks
INDICATORS: Izstrādāta sistēma,, attālinātā darba organizēšanai
RESULT: Aktualizēti vides saudzēšanas jautājumi, veicinot darbinieku iesaisti un iestādes ilgtspēju
INDICATORS: Ieviesto pasākumu skaits